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Advanced Operations Mobility Platform

OSI Compass™ is a next-generation, state-of-the-art operations mobility platform that incorporates the latest in mobile technology for field crew work automation, extending distribution operations to the field.

OSI Compass is fully integrated with OSI's ADMS for a complete enterprise solution, providing utilities with a mobile solution that enables them to efficiently and effectively assign work to field technicians and to improve utilization and productivity.

OSI Compass allows utility field crews to:

  • View the as-operated state of the electrical network
  • Be notified of newly assigned jobs, for outage and non-outage work
  • Verify and restore predicted outages from the field, updating the central network model state
  • Create follow up jobs for referral work
  • Request additional crews to support your assigned job
  • Update details such as cause code, ETR, description, and more
  • Have full functionality in both connected and offline network states
  • Utilize existing Windows, iOS, and Android smart devices or in-truck laptops

OSI Compass includes the following modules with a robust future roadmap:

Network Awareness

  • Same network model map as control room (energization status, switch state, tags, etc.)
  • Network map in online and offline mode

Job Management

  • Update outage and non-outages details
  • Verify and restore outages remotely

Damage Assessment

  • Create/edit damage records
  • Indicate assessed network sections

Mobile Switching

  • Submit switching requests
  • Update status of instructed switching steps


Electra OMS™

Outage Management System

Electra OMS is a next-generation, state-of-the-art outage management solution that empowers utilities to better manage outage response times and keep customers, management and regulators well informed about the scope, status and forecast of restoration efforts as well as to improve overall system reliability. Spectra OMS also allows the assignment of work to field technicians.

Spectra eMap™

DMS Representation & Visualization

Spectra eMap is the operational model of the distribution system and the fundamental component of DMS, OMS and other applications. It provides real-time connectivity models and advanced visualization to enable operators to monitor and control the distribution system and make operational decisions.

Spectra DMS™

Distribution Management System

Spectra DMS encompasses a comprehensive and integrated set of powerful, electric and distribution system management solutions accessible through a common user interface. Spectra DMS monitors the performance of the distribution system, allowing users to anticipate and respond to potential overloading and under-voltage situations with the best solutions, before they become critical.

SOM Planner™

Switch Order Management

SOM Planner provides the tools necessary to formulate safe and effective switching procedures interactively using the graphical user interface, allowing the operator to verify actions in Study Mode before the order is dispatched. SOM Planner provides configurable templates to support various switch order types and utility practices.